The Best New Mystery & Thriller Beach Reads

Novel Suspects Featured Image Mystery & Thriller Beach Paperbacks

The smell of sunscreen automatically puts me in a great mood. Add a good mystery or thriller beach read, and I am in summer heaven—this must be what “summer lovin” was referring to. While I’m a fan of my e-reader, I am not a fan of getting it greasy, sandy, or wet, so paperback is always my choice for beach reads. If you’re excited about summer and reading great mystery and thriller paperbacks while listening to the ocean waves, leave some space in your beach bag for these great new paperback releases.


Jamie Canavés is a Book Riot contributing editor who always has a book in one hand. She writes the Unusual Suspects mystery newsletter, never says no to chocolate or ‘80s nostalgia, and spends way too much time asking her goat-dog “What’s in your mouth?!” Tweets: @Oh_Dinky.