Darkly Comic: Mystery Suspense Books Tinged with Humor

Image credit: Paramount Pictures. Clue (1985). Right to left: Michael McKean, Christopher Lloyd, Colleen Camp, Tim Curry.

We love a good mystery filled with humor, like 1985’s Clue. Not only does this locked-room mystery stand out amongst its peers, but it offers whip-lash humor that makes it an unforgettable movie. But what about books? As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine. That’s why mystery suspense books that don’t take themselves so seriously can be the perfect addition to your TBR pile. It might be more difficult to capture humor in pages than on the silver screen, but these novels take the cake as some of the most darkly comedic that have come out recently. There’s no need to forgo humor to solve a murder or catch a criminal. These books do all.